For this Writers notebook assignment, you will create an outline for the argument essay. Use the template in the handout Breaking the Five Paragraph Essay Habit to create your outline. Remember that your essay needs to be between 5-6 pages long. Here is the basic structure: Introduction Attention getter Introduction of controversy Thesis Relevant background information OR definition of terms (if necessary) Counterargument Evidence and explanation Statement of understanding Refutation Evidence and explanation Second evidence Refer to thesis Reason I Evidence and explanation Second evidence Refer to thesis Reason II (same format as above) Reason III or second counterargument/refutation (same format as above) continue adding reasons or counterarguments/refutations until you reach the page minimum and fully prove your claim Conclusion (you dont need all three) Call to action or Solution or Further research You do not have to follow this exact outline. It is only one way to organize your paper. Move your paragraphs in the order that is best for understanding. Place a strong reason or counterargument at the beginning. Place your weakest arguments in the middle, and put your strongest point at the end. That way your readers walks away with your best idea in their head. Leave them thinking.The information presented here will be covered in your unit quiz at the end of the unit!Grading rubric: An introduction 15 A full sentence thesis Background info 10 Three supporting paragraphs 45 Full topic sentences Evidence A brief explanation A counterargument 10 Evidence A brief explanation A refutation 10 Evidence A brief explanation A conclusion 10 Total 100