Week 10 DiscussionCOLLAPSEOverall Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5Counter-Reform and Mannerism Please respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response: Explain whether you prefer the representation of the Last Supper by Tintoretto, Veronese, or Leonardo da Vinci. Identify 2 key differences between the Mannerist and Renaissance artistic styles. When it comes to art, which is the most important: artistic freedom, right of the patron, or appropriate subject matter. Provide a rationale for your response. ExploreCounter-Reform and Mannerism Chapter 20 (pp. 665-681), Mannerist art; (see also p. 591 in Chapter 17); review Week 10 Music folder Tintorettos Last Supper at http://www.wga.hu/html_m/t/tintoret/5_1580s/3lastsup.html (click on the image to enlarge); also at Fig. 20.9 on p. 674 Tintorettos Last Supper, video, at http://smarthistory.khanacademy.org/jacopo-tintorettos-last-supper.html Chapter 14 (p. 491), Leonardos Last Supper (Fig. 14.25) Leonardos Last Supper at http://www.philvaz.com/apologetics/LeonardoLastSupper.htm Chapter 20 (pp. 678-680 with Fig. 20.16), Last Supper painting and Inquisition trial of the artist Veronese Trial of Veronese at http://members.efn.org/~acd/Veronese.html* Please use your own words: If you ever need to know if you are not using enough of your own words, Strayer has made available to students free software called Grammarly.com. It is the same software that each professor uses weekly. It detects quotes and information from sites like Course Hero, Wikiliks, the Internet , and copying and pasting more than one sentence per paragraph You also have free access to Grammarly.com. Please call Tech support to help you set it up. 1-877-642-2999 (8:00a.m.10:00p.m. EST)Week 10 Discussion Question TemplateHello Awesome classmates and Dr. C Here is my main discussion post for Week 9 This part is easy: Lets say I am going to give you the painting of your choice. Explain if you would like a painting of the Last Supper by _____________ and why?Tintoretto, worth 14.25 Million DollarsVeronese, worth 14.35 Million DollarsLeonardo da Vinci. worth 14.5 Million DollarsOh I can handle this part too:Identify 2 key differences between the Mannerist and Renaissance artistic styles. Finally: Veronese and the Inquisition court considered three things:. What is Artistic Freedom? Please defineWhat is the Right of the Patron? Please defineWhat is Appropriate subject Matter? Please defineWhich do you see as the most important today and why? Give a modern day example?* Please use your own words: If you ever need to know if you are not using enough of your own words, Strayer has made available to students free software called Grammarly.com. It is the same software that each professor uses weekly. It detects quotes and information from sites like Course Hero, Wikiliks, the Internet , and copying and pasting more than one sentence per paragraph You also have free access to Grammarly.com. Please call Tech support to help you set it up. 1-877-642-2999 (8:00a.m.10:00p.m. EST)