Wollschläger v. Governor of Florida Preliminary QuestionsAnswers 1Bids 16Other questions 10,Wollschläger v. Governor of Florida Preliminary QuestionsAnswers 1Bids 16Other questions 10

Read Wollschlaeger v. Governor of Florida.  The case can be found under Files on Canvas. Then answer the following questions:1. In your own words, what happened in the district court? Pretend you are explaining the case to a reasonably intelligent personwith no legal background.2. In your own words, what does the “Void for Vagueness” doctrine mean?  Again pretend you are explaining the case to a reasonably intelligent personwith no legal background.3. What mandatory authorities does the court cite?4. What persusive authorities does the court cite? 5. What words did you look up to help yourself understand the case?  Give their defintion (s). “None” is not an acceptable answer.

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