unit 3-1Answers 1Bids 37Other questions 10,unit 3-1Answers 1Bids 37Other questions 10

Read this article:  Borger, J., Campbell, D. (9/2/2005). Why did help take so long to arrive? The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/sep/03/hurricanekatrina.usa1 Moreover, watch the following video about Hurricane Katrina: Then write -2 paragraphs responding to each of the following questions using APA formatting and submit them to your instructor. Then respond to the following questions in a standard essay format using APA formatting.  Explain the hurricane’s impact on businesses. Explain the importance of backup and recovery. What were your reactions when you first heard about the flooding in New Orleans? Do you think that systems are in place now to cope with another disaster of similar proportions?  What do you think businesses should do to prepare for this type of disaster (beyond backup and recovery)?

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