Students evaluate interviews.Answers 1Bids 30Other questions 10,Students evaluate interviews.Answers 1Bids 30Other questions 10

INSTRUCTIONS:Interviews are experiences most of us encounter in our lives, and they can be seen in our popular culture. Watch the following videos and evaluate the job candidates. Although these clips are taken from television shows or movies, the candidates exhibit both good and bad interview techniques. Evaluate the following items: dress, introductions, body language, quality of answers, communication, preparation, etc. Your response for each item addressed should be one to two paragraphs.Friends Chandler’s Job Interview (3:34): TheBigBangTheory – Penny’s job interview (2:47):Job interview from Erin Brockovich (1:35):56 – ERIN BROCKOVICH (job interview) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by EPUN-L (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.,

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