Stratification by Race, Gender, Ethnicity, and ClassAnswers 1Bids 42Other questions 10,Stratification by Race, Gender, Ethnicity, and ClassAnswers 1Bids 42Other questions 10

400-600 wordsHigher educational levels have been linked to higher salaries, lower poverty, and even a greater likelihood of getting married. Read the following article: America’s Poverty-Education Link In this week’s project, you will compare educational achievement by race. Answer the following questions: Summarize and interpret the tables from the Census Bureau that give statistics on educational attainment for Caucasians, African-Americans, and Hispanics in 2015. Explain specifically what the educational attainment levels are by race.   Discuss the differences in the number of people from each race who completed higher education.   Explain why these differences exist based on what you have learned this week.   Analyze the differences in educational attainments by using at least 2 resources to add to and support your statements.

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