Power point presentation – 20 Slides + Cover Slide + Reference SlideAnswers 1Bids 23Other questions 10,Power point presentation – 20 Slides + Cover Slide + Reference SlideAnswers 1Bids 23Other questions 10

Part 1: Group Information Dependence ProblemReview at least four (4) academically reviewed articles on Group Information Dependence Problem. Develop power presentation of the 4 articles. Support your presentation with appropriate references. Use APA format throughout.Part 2: Group Decision Making:Review at least four (4) academically reviewed articles on Group Decision Making. Develop power presentation of the 4 articles. Support your presentation with appropriate references. Use APA format throughout.Specific Instructions:1. Discuss requirements for Parts 1 and 2 above.2. Develop power points. You power points should contain a minimum of 20 slides (excluding the cover page and reference page).3. Use APA format throughout.

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