ANSWER THE QUESTION TO THIS QUIZ I HAVE ATTACHED 3 PICTURES TO QUESTION 1,2 AND 31. What intellectual property protects this logo? (PICTURE IS ATTACED AT THE BOTTOM LABELED QUESTION 1) Patent, because it represents a new invention Trademark, because it symbolizes a business brand2. What intellectual property concept protects this website?(PICTURE IS ATTACED AT THE BOTTOM LABELED QUESTION 2) Patent, because it represents a new invention Copyright, because the website visuals and code are works of authorship3. What intellectual property concept protects useful inventions such as this?(PICTURE IS ATTACED AT THE BOTTOM LABELED QUESTION 3) Design (not utility) patent, because utility patents only protect how the invention works and is used but NOT its ornamentation Trade secret, because this design is kept confidential within the business and is not made public4. What intellectual property concept protects confidential business information such as customer and supplier lists?Choose One 10 points Trade secret, as long as the owner takes reasonable steps to prevent the secret from getting out to the public Trademark, because these types of lists are symbols of the brand5. How long does trademark protection last?Choose One 10 points Indefinitely, as long as the trademark is used Forever, whether the mark is used or not6. How long does copyright protection last on work created today?Choose One 10 points 14 or 28 years depending on who created the work Life plus 70 years for an individual author, 95 years from publication for a work made for hire7. How long does trade secret protection last?Choose One 10 points 1 year from date of public announcement Indefinitely as long as it remains confidential and isnt disclosed or reverse engineered8. When do design and utility patents expire?Choose One 10 points Upon being disclosed to the public After 14 and 20 years respectively9. How long does a right of publicity last?Choose One 10 points Varies from state to state Lifetime plus 70 years10. You think of an idea but you havent done anything with it yet. You tell a friend about it. Do you have any intellectual property protection to prevent your friend from running with the idea?Choose One 10 points Yes No