Part 3: Significance of the Passage (Final Version)Answers 1Bids 33Other questions 10,Part 3: Significance of the Passage (Final Version)Answers 1Bids 33Other questions 10

Rewrite Parts 1 and 2 as needed, taking into consideration any feedback provided by the professor. In Part 3 of the paper, address the significance and application of the passage to the Christian life and church ministry. Each paper must have a coherent conclusion that summarizes the content of the textual analysis. Submit a 2,500–3,000-word final version of the paper (double-spaced, in 12-point font). You must carefully edit the final version for spelling, grammar, and syntax. Perfection in the implementation of current Turabian format is expected.PLease take the time to read all items before starting paper this is a revision and needs close attention to detail

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