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Module 4 – CasePEOPLE/PREDICTIVE ANALYTICSCase Assignment – People AnalyticsScan the following sources to find a company that interests you:Green, D. (2016). 40 People Analytics Case Studies-Part 1. Retrieved from, D. (2016). 40 People Analytics Case Studies-Part 2. Retrieved from, D. (2016). 40 People Analytics Case Studies-Part 3. Retrieved from, D. (2016). 40 People Analytics Case Studies-Part 4. Retrieved from one of the companies mentioned and conduct additional research on its experiences with people analytics.Use at least 4 additional sources to help strengthen your discussion. Reference all material cited. Sources used must be valid and reliable.You may present your response as an essay paper (4 pages) Assignment ExpectationsDemonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the employer’s people analytics activities.Proofread your work and make sure it is as professional-appearing as possible.Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:*       Assignment-Driven Criteria*       Critical Thinking*       Business Writing*       Effective Use of Information*       Citing Sources*       Timeliness

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