Moya `Tipimsook (“The People Who Aren’t Their Own Bosses”): Racialization and the Misrecognition of “Me?tis” In Upper Great Lakes Ethnohistory By: Chris Andersen, University of AlbertaAnswers 2Bids 26Other questions 10,Moya `Tipimsook (“The People Who Aren’t Their Own Bosses”): Racialization and the Misrecognition of “Me?tis” In Upper Great Lakes Ethnohistory By: Chris Andersen, University of AlbertaAnswers 2Bids 26Other questions 10

SLIDES (reviewing and critiquing the reading)ONLY IN SLIDE VERSION:Moya `Tipimsook (“The People Who Aren’t Their Own Bosses”): Racialization and the Misrecognition of “Me?tis” In Upper Great Lakes Ethnohistory By:  Chris Andersen, University of AlbertaMUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING :TopicKey ThemesAuthor ConclusionStrengths and WeaknessAgree or Disagree with the authorConnection with Course Materials and examples from different booksHow reading enhanced understanding of Colonization and Indigenous PeopleFour Questions related to the reading, colonization and indigenous people

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