Micro-Economics Discussion Answers 1Bids 66Other questions 10,Micro-Economics Discussion Answers 1Bids 66Other questions 10

Discussion Topic: Food Business News, October 2, 2018: ‘Demand for organic still exceeds supply for many goods’ By Ron Sterk.Link:https://www.foodbusinessnews.net/articles/12613-demand-for-organic-still-exceeds-supply-for-many-goodsPrompt Question:Answer the following one question: Use your understanding from the ‘article’ and your ‘textbook’ to discuss the potential factors that may have shifted the demand for the organic product(s), the supply of the organic product(s), or both the demand for the organic product(s) and the supply of the organic product(s), simultaneously. You may consider one specific organic product from those mentioned in the article, or you may simply consider all organic products to be one product.Directions: You will need to post your “complete” and “original” response to the discussion forum (by creating a thread) to see other students’ posts. Your “original” post is your “first” post on the discussion forum. IMPORTANT: Only “original” (first) post will receive a “discussion post” grade, any additional posts are considered as replies.  All replies (combined) receive a score up to a maximum of 20% of the total grade for the discussion A minimum of two replies is required.Grading Rubrics for the “Original” Discussion Post:(no late submissions are accepted).A numerical grade up to 80 points will be granted depending on the completion of the following requirements in your main post:1. (0–40 Points) Demonstrated an understanding of the chapter(s) covered in the discussion2. (0–20 Points) Demonstrated an understanding of the discussion topic, forum, and article3. (0–15 Points) Replied properly (accurately) to the prompt question(s)/instructions4. (0–5   Points) Posting is adequate: maximum of two grammar or spelling errors.

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