Mgt150 w7aAnswers 1Bids 22Other questions 10,Mgt150 w7aAnswers 1Bids 22Other questions 10

Managing InformationIn this assignment, you’ll be developing the third section of the Camp Bow Wow Dog Park Summary Report that is based around the concept of the strategic importance of information. Businesses operate in an area where information is useful data that can influence customer behavior, and as such, information has a strategic importance. One of the technologies that Susan is looking into for the dog park operation is an ID scanner system with an entrance door access reader. Similar to systems that are used to secure business entry doors for its employees, or for members of fitness clubs, a Camp Bow Wow Dog Park member would be able to scan their ID card to enter the dog park. In addition, the ID scanning system will be able to collect data on when and how long a member is using the park facility. The ID card also performs the function of a loyalty/reward card. Customers will be able to access their account via the Camp Bow Wow website and track their usage.Taking into account these sources of customer data, discuss how the data that is gathered can be utilized to gain a first mover advantage, or help to sustain a competitive advantage if implemented. Can the data be mined to improve the customer experience and Camp Bow Wow and the Park and Bark operations, and, if so, what would be its benefits?

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