We are reading this essay mainly for its overview of the history of marriage, but you will also notice that the article argues a point regarding same-sex marriage. Its publication date is 2014. Also read Cinderella by Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm and Wilhelm Karl Grimm (start at bottom of page 745) and Cinderella by Bruno Bettelheim (753-758). If you think you know the story of Cinderella because of Disney, the reading for today will prove otherwise.Heres Why The Idea Of Traditional Marriage Is Total Bullsh*t.https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/20/historical-marriage-definitions_n_4589763.htmlCinderella by Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm.http://pinkmonkey.com/dl/library1/story012.pdfCinderella by Bruno Bettelheim.http://legacy.owensboro.kctcs.edu/crunyon/E102/bruno_bettelheim.pdf