HN502 Unit 5 DBP….Answers 2Bids 27Other questions 10,HN502 Unit 5 DBP….Answers 2Bids 27Other questions 10

Good Evening;I need help in answering the following DBP:  HN502 Unit 5 Discussion:For the discussion, choose either a state or national level challenge you might encounter when working with Latino/a and Arab/Muslim American population.Name the state you live in (if choosing a national level challenge this is not required), discuss one state or national level challenge and why addressing this challenge is important in the cross-cultural work you will do with Latino/a and Arab/Muslim American population.Discuss the important dimensions (family, values/structure, gender role expectations, role conflict, acculturation, religiosity, educational characteristics, and discrimination) and their implications in your cross-cultural work with Latino/a and Arab/Muslim clients.Please and Thank You

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