Help with Assignment for Martha 92Answers 2Bids 57Other questions 10,Help with Assignment for Martha 92Answers 2Bids 57Other questions 10

This assignment consists of 5 essay questions worth 20 points each.  Each answer should reflect an in-depth response demonstrating your knowledge of the subject and be at least 200 words.  1.  In your own words explain the purpose of strategic management and provide an example of at least three different methods of how strategic management is applied in today’s business world. 2.  Explain in your own words the importance of having an updated and relevant mission and vision statement. Provide an example of what happens when a business organization does not have a current vision and mission statement.  3.  Elaborate in your own words why it is important for a company to implement evaluation and control procedures, and provide examples of some of the elements that are used as part of the performance measurement process. 4.  Evaluate how technology has changed the way business is performed globally in your own words. Compare and contrast how technology has helped the business environment and how it has harmed business today.5.  Describe in your own words what a strategic audit is, when it should be used, and who it benefits. Provide a recommendation of a section that was part of your own strategic audit report you completed in this course that should be eliminated and why, while also providing an example of a section that should be included that was not part of your strategic audit report and why.

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