discussion post – Planning Digital Worldwide’s ProjectAnswers 1Bids 20Other questions 10,discussion post – Planning Digital Worldwide’s ProjectAnswers 1Bids 20Other questions 10

NEED TO ANSWER ALL DISCUSSION QUESTIONS…   The discussion posts in this course will follow a fictitious company called Digital Worldwide. They have hired you as an entry level manager, and you will be asked to make decisions about the direction of the business and the strategic management process. Each week there will be a new scenario. It’s important to understand that the decisions that you make will carry over to the following weeks, so choose wisely. Consider the argument in the above video and the project being completed. Who do you agree with? Why did you make that choice? You can disagree with both of them and make a completely different choice as well. Refer back to your trait and areas of knowledge choices for the project manager hire from your module three discussion post. Which stages of the project management life cycle do you think the market manager you hired excel at? Why? Which stages of the project management life cycle do you think the market manager you hired struggle with? Why?

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