Describe the current problem that the issue presents to the nation. Indicate what the impact of not solving the issue will cause and why you think it has not been solved. On a scale of 1 (Low) to 5 (How), identify how urgent you think the problem, explaiAnswers 1Bids 19Other questions 10,Describe the current problem that the issue presents to the nation. Indicate what the impact of not solving the issue will cause and why you think it has not been solved. On a scale of 1 (Low) to 5 (How), identify how urgent you think the problem, explaiAnswers 1Bids 19Other questions 10

Describe the current problem that the issue presents to the nation.  Indicate what the impact of not solving the issue will cause and why you think it has not been solved. On a scale of 1 (Low) to 5 (How), identify how urgent you think the problem, explaining your answer. Essay PG:2 and PPT pg: 1

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